Tuesday 23 December 2014

About This Course

                                    Lecturers Involved

Saad Othman.  Associate Professor, B.Pharm. (USM), M.Sc. (USM), Cert. Onco.
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
(Course Coordinator)

Zuraidah Mohd. Yusoff, Associate Professor, B.Pharm. (USM), Ph. D. (Leicester).
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Nornisah Mohamed. Associate Professor, B.Sc. (Hon.) (LaTrobe), Ph.D (Bath).
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Muhammad Azizan Sabjan. B.Is.Ed. (Hons) (UM), M.A. – ISTAC, Ph.D. – ISTAC.
School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia. 



           This course will expose students to the history of Malay Traditional Medicine,
basic concept of disease, diagnosis and treatment, and also the influence of
Islam and other cultures into the system. This course would also exposed
students to different categories of Malay Medicine practitioners, their different
expertise and various services offered, like Rukyah, massage service as wll as
bone and joint setting, obstetric (pre and postnatal care), women health, men
health, pediatric diseases, asthetis and circumcision. Also the treatment of some
common diseases like: hypertension, diabetis, cancer, skin disease, parasitic
infection, sinus, heamorrhoid and poisoning. Most important is the medicinal
product (materia medica) used, including materials from plants, animal and sea
creatures, mircobes and minerals. This course use lectures and attachment with
Malay traditional medicine practitioners which are registered with the T&CM
(Traditional and Complementary Medicine) Division of Ministry of Health
Malaysia. Besides lecturers from USM, some lecture would be delivered by
lecturer from Ministry of Health Malaysia, representative from Society of
Malaya Traditional Medicine Practitioners and also some practitioners which have certain specific speciality.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

• explain the philosophy of Malay Traditional Medicine and state the definition,
  term and important component pertaining to this system of treatment.
• explain and compare the specific practices of the Malay Traditional Medicine
  likes the spirituality, midwifery, massage, and cupping.
• identify and state the method and substance used in the treatment of common
  diseases likes hypertension, diabetes, cancer, bacterial and parasitic infections.
• states the role of pharmacist in advising patient pertaining to the safety and
  effectiveness of the Malay Traditional Medicine and its interaction with modern


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ok good, cuma gambar Dr Azizan tak berapa clear, try to get a better one.

  3. 2) Cuba letakan "Disclaimer" kat bawah page "Home" ...... nyatakan ini adalah bog dari pelajar-pelajar yang menggambil kursus "Perubatan Tradisional Melayu", Pusat Pengajian Sains Farmasi, Universiti Sains Malaysia. This s not a professional document that could be used as a reference for therapeutic purpose .... something like that ... cuba check dgn blog2 lain juga

  4. 3) Cuba masukkan some pictures and caption kat page "Activities" ..........1) Information n pictures on Brochure Presentation kat DKX hari tu.

  5. Salam semua. Tadi saya baru saja memasukkan "live traffic feed" ke dalam blog ini.... Prof. Saad minta tolong saya masukkan..... harap maklum.... TQ.
    (Amalina Omar)
