Tuesday 23 December 2014


       In 15 & 16 November 2014,  a field work has been conducted for 3rd year pharmacist students, batch of 2012/2013 under supervision of Assoc. Prof Saad B. Othman at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Eco-Hub.

      The 62 students are divided into 4 groups worked with the Supervisor to assign one plant each and developed a brochure from it. The brochures will become free information access to public.

The field work has three objectives:
1) To expose the pharmacy students to the variety of plants and herbs that have been practiced traditionally by Malays to treat certain diseases.
2) To uncover the medicinal properties of plants. Every student is assigned one plant each to develop a brochure from it.
3) To increase awareness towards botany especially the plants that are beneficial to human health.

Group 1

One of the working parties in the field (Group 1) surrounds the supervisor. We tend to be on a Saturday morning for about 2 hours. We are so blessed with the knowledge we gained today. Thank you Prof Saad!


Prof Saad is explaining on one of the plants there.

Anis is with Pokok Kulim (Scorodocarpus berneensis) that she proudly be one of the Kulim people.

This is Mikania micrantha, which Malays call it as Selaput Tunggul.

 Zafirah and Pokok Tembusu (Fagraeae fagrans)

 This is Pokok Buah Perah (Elatriospermum)

The girls are with Pokok Rantai Emas (Lophantera lactescens)

 Bunga Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum)

Fareyhah is with Pokok Merawan Siput Jantan (Hopeo Odorata)

Group 2

After Group 1 finished, it's Group 2's turn. Let's see what we get during the field trip! :)

Next hour on field work. Group 2 ready to gain knowledge

from Prof Saad. 

This beautiful flower is the flower of Bunga Tahi Ayam (Lantana Camara)

The girls are happy with the field work.
psttt..Can you spot Durian Valley there? 

Hurry up, move to the next plant students! It's getting hot already.

Prof. Saad is explaining about the plant to the students.

Prof Saad: Read about the plant.
Elia: This is Pokok Asam Gelugor ( Garcinia atroviridis ).

During the field work :D

Buah tampoi ( Baccaurea macrocarpa) also available in EcoHUB.

Do you know this fruit?
This is Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis).

Locally known as Lidah Buaya. It's botanical name is Aloe vera.

Group 3

A student is reading about pokok Sambung Nyawa (Gynura procumbens)

 Well, everyone look so serious at this moment. 

 We are also get opportunities to smell the fresh smell of the plant 

 Move to the next plant. Reading again. And look Puan Sabrina was here with us too.


 Ready to take note.. Nice smile Prof. :)

The writing too small maybe ?

Prof  Saad was explaining about the plants. He's holding a bread, he must be hungry. Such a dedicated Prof.

We are so blessed and grateful that our weekend is full with the knowledge and experience here with Prof Saad. Thanks Prof ! The end of the trip Group 3.

Group 4

                          Date    : Sunday, 16 November 2014
                     Venue : Eco-Hub,Universiti Sains Malaysia


  1. Bahagian ni mukin kita perlu edit sikit bahasa Inggeris dia....... anyway, its beautiful and and coulouful too.
